Project details

Name of project: Project Atomic

Elaborate description of project(s): Project Atomic is an umbrella of technologies centered around containers and making them easier to use. These technologies include:

  • Nulecule - A specification for describing multi-container applications so they are easy to configure and deploy. The specification also allows for applications to be composed from other applications described using Nulecule.

  • Atomic App - The reference implementation of Nulecule that goes beyond demos and allows for the applications in the Nulecule Library to be used.

  • Atomic Host - A Container optimized Linux host that builds on the power of existing Linux distributions by not reinventing the wheel. Atomic Host is not a new distribution, instead it is a blueprint for any distribution to create a container host. Currently it is shipping in Fedora, CentOS and RHEL.

  • Atomic Developer Bundle - A development environment for Linux, Windows, and Mac that encourages good container development patterns using a pre-installed tool-filled vagrant box (and plugins).

  • Atomic Reactor - A container build system that makes it easy to do isolated builds of images in a manner that is consistent with best practices regarding code source and layering.

Why does it fit FOSDEM?

The “Containers and Process Isolation devroom” and shows that the open source technologies behind containers (Docker, Kubernetes, etc.) have made huge inroads into data centers and the thoughts of users, administrators, and developers everywhere. This technology is all new and is still experiencing lots of growing pains. Project Atomic aims to fix many of those problems and introduce patterns that will lead to successful deployments of this technology as fast as possible.

We are proposing a two table set up to demonstrate what our project can offer new and experienced users and to generate the kinds of conversations that will allow better usage patterns to continue to emerge. We would prefer to be located near the “Containers and Process Isolation devroom” if possible.

We will have expert developers, users, and community members working the stand and doing demonstrations, answering questions, and keeping the conversation and information flowing. Given the breadth of the project, we would prefer two tables, if possible. We understand that space limitations may not allow that, so we are happy to work with one table if that is all that is available.


  • Number of tables: Two
  • Contact information
    • Primary contact
      • First name: Brian
      • Last name: Exelbierd
      • E-mail:
      • Submitter’s affinity to the project(s): Core Developer and Community Particpant. The secondary contact is a key community leader.
    • Secondary contact
      • First name: Joe
      • Last name: Brockmeier
      • E-mail:
  • Relevant URLs:
  • Special requirements: Power outlets for several laptops and demo monitors. We can provide power bars (extensions), etc. as needed.